7. Molecular Shapes

This Study Mind Tutorial covers the following specification points:

Edexcel: 2.10, 2.11, 2.12

2.10. understand that the shape of a simple molecule or ion is determined by the repulsion between the electron pairs that surround a central atom

2.11. understand reasons for the shapes of, and bond angles in, simple molecules and ions with up to six outer pairs of electrons (any combination of bonding pairs and lone pairs) Examples should include BeCl₂, BCl₃, CH₄, NH₃, NH₄⁺, H₂O, CO₂, PCl₅(g) and SF₆(g) and related molecules and ions; as well as simple organic molecules in this specification.

2.12. be able to predict the shapes of, and bond angles in, simple molecules and ions analogous to those specified above using electron-pair repulsion theory

43. Molecular Shapes.pdf
43. Molecular Shapes.pdf
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