5. Electrons in Atoms

This Study Mind Tutorial covers the following specification points:

Edexcel: 1.16, 1.17, 1.18, 1,19, 1.20, 1.21(i,ii)

1.16. know the number of electrons that can fill the first four quantum shells

1.17. know that an orbital is a region within an atom that can hold up to two electrons with opposite spins

1.18. know the shape of an s-orbital and a p-orbital

1.19. know the number of electrons that occupy s, p and d-subshells

1.20 know that electrons fill subshells singly, before pairing up, and that two electrons in the same orbital must have opposite spins

1.21. be able to predict the electronic configurations, using 1s notation and electronsin-boxes notation, of:

(i) atoms, given the atomic number, Z, up to Z = 36

(ii) ions, given the atomic number, Z, and the ionic charge, for s and p block ions only, up to Z = 36

25. Electrons in Atoms.pdf
25. Electrons in Atoms.pdf
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